1. Take a motorcycle safety Course
A motorcycle safety course will teach you about traffic safety laws that apply to motorcycles in your state, how to respond to emergency situations on a motorcycle, and give you a chance to try out your new skills in a controlled environment. You'll get tips about motorcycle maintenance and how to avoid unsafe situations as well.
2. Wear the right gear
A motorcycle offers little to no protection in a crash, so what a rider wears is part of the crash protection system. It can make all the difference.
3. Always ride within your skill level
Never ride beyond your ability. If you find yourself in conditions that make you uncomfortable, slow down, pull off or at least talk to the riders you are with and let them know your concerns.
4. Don't get distracted
Stay focused on everything around you. Watch the road, other vehicles and don't depend on others to avoid you. Always be ready to use defensive driving strategies.
5. Stopping distance/escape route
Do your best to always leave enough space for stopping distance and know your escape route if you are unable to stop in time.
6. Be aware of the weather
Know your riding conditions. Check the weather for the entire duration of the ride and be sure to know future conditions if taking a trip or covering long distances.
7. Educate Passengers
Make sure your passenger understands some basic safety rules and how to blend with your riding style.
8. Look twice
Double check intersections, watch vehicles exiting parking lots, know who is behind you and how close they are and always double check any potential area that can cause you a problem. Look ahead and check it twice!
9. Wear a helmet
Head injuries are the leading cause of death for motorcyclists...wear a DOT/State approved helmet.
10. Watch your speed
Going to fast puts you and others at risk. The faster you travel the less time you have to react...stay within the posted speed limits and always drive according to conditions.